Wednesday, April 1, 2009

See you Monday April 20th-Chicago-The Hideout

Spring is coming and I'm pleased to announce an evening of light mirth and entertainment featuring animator/illustrator Arthur Jones, "This American Life" contributors Starlee Kine and David Wilcox, and painter/entrepreneur Derek Erdman.

HEAR tales of depression, complacency, mental retardation, juvenile delinquency, physical fitness, parricide, and marshmallows!

WATCH as Jones brings those tales to life in beautiful black Sharpie on little yellow Post-It Notes, then projects them onto a screen at more than ONE HUNDRED TIMES their normal size!

HOWL at the absolute genius of it all!

FORK OVER $8 at the door to get in. Or LOG ON to to purchase tickets in advance.

Monday, April 20, 2009
8:00pm - 11:00pm
The Hideout
1354 W. Wabansia
Chicago, IL

Monday, January 19, 2009

New Hampshire, my new home, sort of

Happy New Year etc... etc... Here is a picture of my new home (for two months) at the MacDowell Colony in New Hampshire. As you can see it's a winter wonderland a lot like the mythical land of Narnia. I'm living in a green shingled cottage and  everyday a picnic basket mysteriously arrives for me full of lunch. Just in case you asked, "Yes I am living the dream." This place is awesome. I'm a lucky man.

In less lucky news, it took me 13 1/2 hour to get to this amazing Narniaesque place thanks to Greyhound who inexplicably dropped me off in Springfield Massachusetts and made me wait 6 1/2 hours for a connecting bus to Keene, New Hampshire. I hope the C.E.O. of Greyhound,  John Coughlan, has signed up for a google alert for the words "Greyhounds Sucks" because his company does indeed suck and I want him to know just how much I think they suck. Greyhound really takes advantage of its customers, who often have no other travel option. 

"John Coughlan, your company sucks and you shouldn't sell bus tickets to people on your website when the bus that ticket corresponds to doesn't even exist. Shame on you Mr. Coughlan."